Who We Are

YUYU ACTIVE誕生於2019年7月,在短短一年的時間引爆主流,快速打開知名度席捲亞洲。YUYU結合運動x休閒x時尚三方創造出產業新風格,以每周換一季的概念不斷推陳出新,放入更多冒險、玩樂與探索的元素,打造與受眾著的共鳴,為生活帶來新的體驗,創造更多不一樣的想像。



Founded by Bonnie Yu in Taiwan in 2019, YUYU is a sport-inspired lifestyle apparel company for women and men. Within a year, YUYU has made a massive discussion among the most trending groups, receiving critical acclaim worldwide especially in Asia. YUYU is largely driven by its ability to keep up with the rapidly changing fashion trends and becoming the leading trend setter. YUYU wanted to create a community hub where people could learn and discuss the physical aspects of healthy living, mindfulness and living a life of possibility. YUYU hosts classes and events so the like minded people feel closer.

Welcome to Y-CLUB and be HYPERACTIVE.